Green means go.

Not today.
Green actually means, don't.

Because the second I saw the green snot oozing from Noah's nose. I knew....we aren't going anywhere.

There is nothing more pitiful than your baby boy sick. Especially when he sounds like Darth Vader with asthma.
Snot is everywhere. On his nose, mouth, on the couch, his arms, Sarah, and in his hair. Then he looks up at you like, "mom, please it's in my mouth."
Poor guy.
I've given him 3 baths today. He wails if I don't, literally, hold him in there. My skin is pleading for some moisture, my hands are cracking just typing this.
But now, he is asleep.
Sarah is outside with daddy playing with the neighbor boys.
She loves them.
Boys, I mean.
No really, she LOVES boys.
It's actually quite frightening.
I had a mom from her school tell me she thinks Sarah and her son, Zeus, are in love because they hold hands and kiss at school. KISS!  My eye kinda twitched a little. I had a horrific flashback of myself as a tween. Man.
It's Snot-fest 2010 in the Vargonen residence.

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