
I was thinking to myself the other day, as I watched my 4 year old daughter frolicking around with her other preschool friends, laughing, swinging, jumping, chasing. Life to them, is.... fun. Besides the occasional spats of tantrums, life is exciting, living. The hardest thing my daughter will have to do is clean up, she really hates it, but to her, it's like the equivilant of me getting on an airplane..I kick and scream and make up excuses why I shouldn't.
When you grow up, things start to happen. People get sick, they die, you get hurt by others, lied to, cheated. You realize people are not so easy to trust. You are told as a kid to always say "Hi" and be nice to others, you realize after a while, people aren't so fuzzy.
Do we shelter our kids because we know years down the road, life is going to get hard and not be so exciting? Do we hang on to the fact that we want our kids to live a good 10 years of their life having the most fun with the least problems, just so they can carry that into the next, not so fun,10 years?  I realize I put her in a bubble, a big ol' pink bubble of  butterflies, games, playtime, laughter, candy and lots of love, because I love her, and I also know that life is going to get hard. Is this wrong? You never know how your child will be when they get older, sometimes it drives me crazy.

I guess, I really want her to continue to love living and get excitement out of life,
the way she does now.

Or maybe it's that face? That face of pure happiness when you show her something new, or sparkly, or give her a lollipop. It's that face! You work all day to get that out of your child because your heart melts like a plastic bowl in an oven, but not as stinky.
So today, when my darling daughter wakes from her princess lair, I am going to, of course, give her her favorite cereal with her favorite spoon and maybe, just maybe, give her chocolate milk instead of regular, Because I'm a funaholic.


  1. If ever I would've blessed with a daughter or a son, I'd hope that I would have been a wonderful Mother as you are. Thank you Amber for a beautiful reading this morning. They say when you get older you sometimes live your life through others. I guess the parts of my life that I didn't get to experience, I should not be sad, because I have you to watch and I praise God for your wonderful thoughtful heart. I love you, you are a great Mommy and an awesome person. Aunt Stephy

  2. I just loved this! As a mother you work so hard, as you so wonderfully said, to keep your children in a "big ol' pink bubble of butterflies and games". It's hard to realize that someday that bubble may burst. All you can do is love them and see them through the hard times they may be forced to face in life. My mother has done this for me, I will do it for my daughter and I know that you do a fantastic job of doing it for beautiful Sarah. She's very lucky to have you, as is Noah. Keep writing Amber. You do it beautifully!
