Time flies when you get old.

Noah is turning one.

In ELEVEN days..............
.............................can someone please tell me where my baby went?
All I did was blink.
Who is this little boy? When did he get a personality? When did he start to protest things? wrestle? When did he start fighting with his sister, I thought I had at least 2 years before that would be and issue? And why is his fanny way smaller than the rest of his body?
I feel old
and nauseous.
I have to make a cake for this birthday, a birthday I disapprove of. Yay, let's celebrate the fact that your little baby is becoming a toddler...then a teen...then an adult...... with chest hair.........cake time!


I haven't even started a plan of action for his party, and that is not like me.
 I am going to make a pirate cake, that's all. sigh.

Hopefully it will be better than the flour-less, crispy, oatmeal cookies I attempted yesterday. I was stuck at home ALL DAY without a car to flee the coup, so I was desperately seeking activities to keep my daughter from wigging out and destroying something else......I hate being stuck at home. This has bursted the teeny ounce of giddy-ness I had for snow to come. I forget those days of being stranded at home with a hyperactive 4 year old. Where's California when you need it!? I would like to invite California to come stay at my house for the winter. You can sleep with us, I will spoon you.
Ahhhhh sunshine....
I am imagining the sun's rays on my face, the smell of grass and oranges.
California smells like oranges.

New York smells like qu-offee. Black, bitter, cold, coffee.


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