Rear end

New York.
My new home.

When you come from the sunny state of California, it's hard to adjust to continuous cloudy days, rain and snow.
It took about 5 years.

It's not a stereotype, California IS the sunshine state.
Or is that Florida?

The first thing I noticed is the difference in personalities from your day to day encounters with strangers. At first, I thought that New Yorkers were 'grumpy'. Of course this isn't everyone I had come across, but it was the majority.
Let me refrase this.
They just weren't as, "free-spirited."
More direct.
Which, I've learned  is mostly just honesty.  I admire that.

After living here for 5 years, I've chilled.
I am not waking up to sunshine and warmth, giddy.
It's clouds, cold and.... "oh."
Of course you are not going to be as "excited" about the day when the weather sucks.

But the thing that was a major difference, was the drivers.
Crazy, speeding, tailgating, aggressive, don't move over to let you in, grumpy drivers.
I have been cut off more than Britney Spears hair.

I vowed to stay considerate in my driving, not giving in to the big dogs. But,  I am slowly starting to become "that" driver. Because it's cold, damn it.
But, I had a realization.
Yesterday was cold, rainy and icy, and people were driving slow, and being considerate?
98.7% of the time, the weather sucks here.
You have snow, severe rain and extreme wind more times than not.
So, whenever their is somewhat decent weather and the roads are clear,  people go crazy, woooohhh, and end up driving like maniacs. It's bottled in.
SO maybe it's just the fact that, we don't have to drive 10 miles under the speed limit for ONCE.
They can take that corner a little faster.
Who knows?
But, the next time I get some guy in a truck riding my bumper, I am going to think twice before slowing down even more and flipping him off. Maybe I'll just pull over and let him pass, so he can enjoy the non-hazardous road conditions for once.

Or maybe he's just a jerk who is excited to get home to watch the season finale of American Idol or something?

Who knows?

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