Valentines Day

Today is the First United Methodist Preschool, a.k.a. Sarah's Preschool, annual............wait for it.............

......its coming...............

Valentines Day party!!!

A little woop actually,
because we spent most of the night making cookies for the class, destroying our clean kitchen in the process.

BUT, they came out cute I guess. Just plain ol' sugar cookies with pink frosting.

It was actually quite difficult to figure out what to bring for valentines day cards for all the kids. I just can't let an opportunity like Valentines Day pass. I need to CRAFT!! But since we are not allowed to bring in chocolate due to allergies, I needed to figure out what else can go along with her cards.


Kids love bubbles.
I am slighlty worried about the kids spilling the bubble solution on the laminated floor and slipping and breaking some part of their little skeletal system.
Just breathe.
Don't start over analyzing.

Well, I figure the bubbles were a safer option than Valentines "finger puppet"  breast cards.


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